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Braga Rite Altar Cards

1. "Complete Braga Rite Mass Cards Kit"

This is our custom-designed nine card Roman Catholic Braga Rite Mass Cards Kit. The artwork features beautiful ancient Celtic art as found in "The Book Of Kells." Contains the three principal altar cards, "Prayers After Low Mass" in both Latin and Portuguese, the Marian Antiphons, one "Prayers At The Foot Of The Altar" for the Celebrant, and two "Prayers At The Foot Of The Altar" for the Servers.

SACRAS para a celebração no RITO BRACARENSE

Sacra do Centro (1) Sacra do Último Evangelho (1) Sacra do Lavabo (1) Antífonas Marianas Finais (1) Orações Leoninas em Latim e Portuguese (1) Diálogo ao pé do Altar Celebrante e Ministro (3)

Prints or Laminated

Altar Card Stand Altar Card Stand